ISLE 2023定档4月7—9日!期待与您相约 深圳国际会展中心(宝安新馆)

2023-01-11 15:56:00 2849

ISLE 2023定档4月7—9日!期待与您相约


近期,国家陆续出台多项政策,进一步优化疫情防控,会展业终于等来了春暖花开之时。在此,我们郑重宣布一个好消息:ISLE 2023正式定档于2023年47-9在深圳国际会展中心(宝安新馆)的9-12号馆举办

经过精心准备,ISLE 2023将以前所未有的超大规模闪亮登场,搭建全球智慧显示交流平台,充分展示专业领域最新技术和应用端创新成果,为参展商开拓更多的海内外市场商机和营销推广渠道。ISLE 2023展会涵盖显示技术及配套设备、LED产业链产品、声光视讯融合与应用、LED照明、数字标牌等全产业链技术系统生态预计吸引线上线下超1000家企业参展。

展会期间,组委会还将与中国光协共同组织光电产业主题高峰论坛活动,邀请光电子信息工程领域院士、专家、企业家等齐聚一堂,探讨光电行业产学研用的深度融合,中国光协也将组织旗下七大专业分会前来参观交流,并充分调动相关专业资源,为ISLE 提供技术支持服务。同期举办产业对接会及相关论坛活动超20场,内容涵盖LED显示发展、智慧城市、智慧教育、元宇宙等热门题材。组委会主办的ISLE系列颁奖活动将再次启动,为企业提质增效,打造资源共享、跨界融合的交流平台。欢迎各参展企业积极参与。






Isle 2023 set to be held April 7 - 9, in Shenzhen World

In recent months, China has launched series of optimization policies for covid control, and the exhibition industry has benefited thereof. ISLE organizer hereby declare: ISLE 2023 is set to be held from April 7 to April 9, at Hall 9-12 in Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center (Shenzhen World).

With elaborate preparation, the organizer will launch ISLE 2023 at a huge scale,providing a platform for showcasing latest technology and innovative solutions for various business scenarios, bringing an immersive experience to global buyers. The three-day event will demonstrate screen display technology, LED manufacturing industry chain, audio-visual integrated system, LED lighting & digital signage of more than 1000 exhibitors online and offline.

During ISLE 2023, the organizer will work with hosting units including China Optics and Optoelectronics Manufactures Association, to stage summit forums to discuss the fusion of R&D, academia and industry by bringing together top experts, enterprisers and academicians in related areas. The China Optics and Optoelectronics Manufactures Association will organize its seven sub branches to visit ISLE 2023 and provide technology support. There will be 20+ industry matchmaking meetings and seminars, covering the development of LED display, smart city, smart education, metaverse, etc. The ISLE Awards appraisal will be launched for exhibitors to shine with their most competitive products.

With the State Council latest easing of virus-control measures, China will drop COVID-19 quarantine requirement for passengers arriving from abroad starting January 8, 2023, only requiring a PCR negative test within 48 hours. This is a major step for fully reopening travel with the rest of the world. ISLE now welcome all overseas buyers and will prepare related visa application, hotel booking and tailored factory-visiting service. The official website ( will be further upgraded with exhibitor livestreaming and products EDM subscription.

We thank all the ISLE exhibitors, visitors and partners for their support. We look forward to hosting a grand event from April 7 to April 9 in Shenzhen World and make ISLE 2023 a high-quality, fruitful and happy gathering for all.

ISLE Organizing Committee

January 6, 2023
